
10 Maggio 2016

Work at BJCEM: Position opening

Are you interested in working at BJCEM executive office in Turin? We are looking for a Financial Officer! Please read carefully the job description below (ENG/ITA) Job Title: Financial Officer Purpose of the Job and Key Objectives BJCEM is an international non-profit umbrella organisation with a legal seat in Belgium […]
9 Maggio 2016


RETOUR  DE BIENNALE MÉDITERRANÉA 17 Vincent CERAUDO François-Xavier GUIBERTEAU André GUIBOUX Fanny JULLIAN Emanuela MELONI Elsa MINGOT / La Conflagration Sati MOUGARD Samuel PAYET Floryan VARENNES 5/05 > 2/07/2016 VERNISSAGE  le samedi 7 mai à 11h0 PERFORMANCE à 12H00 de l’iPi : Institut de Pscyhopompe-funébrisme International – vous convie au […]
6 Maggio 2016

Mediterranea Youth Photo: An interview to three protagonists of the Festivals involved

4 Maggio 2016


ARTEFATTO PROGRAM Visual arts, music, workshops, site-specific installations and socialising, training and information gathering opportunities… ARTEFATTO is a mixture of events focused on young talents. Promotion and support of artists aging from 18 to 30 is the aim of ARTEFATTO, one of the projects of the Poli di Aggregazione Giovanile […]
2 Maggio 2016

DISEGNARE LA FRONTIERA Laboratorio di Graphic Journalism

DISEGNARE LA FRONTIERA Laboratorio di Graphic Journalism Pozzallo, 11/15 maggio 2016 a cura di Gianluca Costantini Sabir – Festival diffuso delle Culture Mediterranee #‎HotSpotDrawings Il laboratorio si svolgerà dal 11 al 15 maggio all’interno del Sabir Pozzallo Festival, Festival diffuso delle Culture del Mediterraneo. Il laboratorio è promosso da ARCI, […]
22 Aprile 2016

BJCEM new member!

It is with honor and pleasure that we announce that the Ministry of Culture of Albania has joined our Network. A warm welcome by all BJCEM members to our Albanians friends!
20 Aprile 2016


ECOISMI 2016 Contemporary art along the Naviglio Martesana from 4th June to 2nd October, 2016 In collaboration with the Municipalities involved in the memorandum of understanding Martes’Anima ECOISMI, at its fifth edition, aims to be a meeting point between contemporary culture and the deep roots of the Adda – Martesana […]
14 Aprile 2016

PUBLIC SPHERE: PROCESS AND PRACTICES | Once you’re on the ground…

We usually workout to react to the status-quo and feel better. We usually workout to differently perform our position in the world trying to discover how to react to different situations. Sometimes we already know it, sometimes we need to improvise. We don’t know the answer yet, and maybe there […]
12 Aprile 2016

CREACTION Roma. La Cultura che Crea

(ITA) BJCEM, socio di Culture Action Europe, partecipa a “CREACTION Roma. La Cultura che Crea“, che si volgerà il 28 aprile al MACRO – Museo d’Arte Contemporanea Roma. Un appuntamento per elaborare insieme proposte per politiche culturali che creano Sviluppo, Comunità, Cittadini. Info e iscrizioni qui:…/cae-in-italia/i-tavoli/ -.-.-.-.- Operatori del […]
5 Aprile 2016

CIMINIERE – Collective Imaginaction about work in Civita Castellana

Officina Culturale Distretto Creativo With the support of Regione Lazio, the sponsorship of Comune di Civita Castellana presents CIMINIERE Collective Imaginaction about work in Civita Castellana A project by Cantieri d’Arte and Associazione Culturale Percorsi (Circolo ARCI) in collaboration with Laboratorio Urbano Quotidiano, Museo della Ceramica Marcantoni, SIAT Servizi, Liceo […]