
31 Marzo 2016

Young Italian Photography #04: Sideways | SELECTION RESULTS

The call for the fourth edition of Young Italian Photography closed with a strong participation of artists and photographers under 35 from all over Italy. The international jury members (Daniele De Luigi, Carine Dolek and Angela Ferreira) has selected among 198 applications received the seven winning projects: Giulia Flavia Baczynski, […]
24 Marzo 2016

“Practices as an Intersection in a Fragile Environment”: presentation of the results

On April 7 at the New Art Exchange of Nottingham, the curator Claudio Zecchi will present the results of the third step of his research project “Practices as an intersection in a Fragile Environment”, produced in collaboration with BJCEM and with the support of BCC–Credito Cooperativo. Focusing on the relationship […]
17 Marzo 2016

BJCEM Board of Directors, March 17-18

BJCEM Board of Directors is hosted by the Ministry of Culture of Montenegro in Cetinje on March 17-18. The meeting will include discussions about the path towards next Biennale and specific sessions on: Creative Europe – Culture: overview of available funding and open calls (Ana Savjak, CED Montenegro) Best practice […]
10 Marzo 2016

“Practices as an Intersection in a Fragile Environment”: an interview with Claudio Zecchi

New Art Exchange, Nottingham After Milan and New York, the third step of the project “Practices as an Intersection in a Fragile Environment” that you are curating is taking place in Nottingham. What are the projects’ objective? What are the main themes that are going to be tackled by your […]
8 Marzo 2016

Towards more efficient financial ecosystems

The European Commission (DG for Education and Culture) has published the report: “Towards more efficient financial ecosystems: Innovative instruments to facilitate access to finance for the cultural and creative sectors.” This report looks at the innovative instruments which can facilitate access to finance for the cultural and creative sectors. Such […]
15 Febbraio 2016


SulcisHUB | R E S I D E N Z A D ’A R T I S T A A cura di Olga Bachschmidt ARTISTI SELEZIONATI Date residenza 16-23 maggio 2016 La commissione selezionatrice formata da Olga Bachschmidt (curatrice del progetto), Federica Candelaresi (General Secretary BJCEM), Marco Piras (Sindaco di Tratalias) […]
15 Febbraio 2016

“Here is elsewhere”: an interview to the Artist Marta Leite

Marta Leite participated to a residency program called “Here is elsewhere”, curated by Marco Trulli (La Ville Ouverte) in the framework of the OFF (Out Of Fabbrica) section of Mediterranea 17 Young Artists Biennale. With the collaboration of Mare Culturale Urbano and Careof, it involved five artists: Simona Di Meo, Marta […]
1 Febbraio 2016

Discover BJCEM Digital Archive

After thirty years of activity, the Biennale has felt the need to collect and catalogue its memory, not only to testify his long history, but also to stimulate a reflection on the future of the organisation. To this end, the idea of a digital archive was born, a project that […]
19 Gennaio 2016

Artefatto 11° Young Artists Exhibition

CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS The Municipality of Trieste – Department of Education, University, Research, Culture and Sport is organising the eleventh Artefatto exhibition in 2016. Artefatto is a Municipality of Trieste Youth Centres project to enhance, support and develop the creativity of young people through activities that encourage interaction between artists, […]
18 Dicembre 2015

Puglia 2008 – lettere da una Biennale, un contributo di Irene Pittatore

Bjcem significa per me esperienza Puglia 2008 con Francesca Macrì, ma anche uffici operativi in corso Giulio Cesare 11/b a Torino, dove ho lavorato dal 2003 al 2005 con incarichi di segreteria organizzativa, redazione contenuti web e progettazione grafica. Le attività erano coordinate dal Segretario Generale Alessandro Stillo, in collaborazione […]