Puglia 2008 – lettere da una Biennale, un contributo di Irene Pittatore
18 Dicembre 2015
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1 Febbraio 2016

Artefatto 11° Young Artists Exhibition

Layout 1


The Municipality of Trieste – Department of Education, University, Research, Culture and Sport is organising the eleventh Artefatto exhibition in 2016.
Artefatto is a Municipality of Trieste Youth Centres project to enhance, support and develop the creativity of young people through activities that encourage interaction between artists, the city and the world of art.

Artefatto 11 will be promoted through the network BJCEM – Association Internationale pour la Biennale des Jeunes Créateurs d’Europe et de la Méditerranée (www.bjcem.org) and GAI – Association for the Circuit of the Young Italian Artists (www.giovaniartisti.it)

Artefatto 11 will stage a collective exhibition, scheduled for May 2016, and a series of collateral events that seek to involve young participants in the exploration of issues relating to artistic activity.


Art. 1 Applications >>
Applications to exhibit are invited from young artists (individually or as a group) from Italy or elsewhere who will attain the age of 18 to 30 during 2016.
Applicants will be required to present a work in a visual art form, such as painting, illustration, sculpture, photography, installation or video art, interpreting an assigned theme.
Participation is free. Contact details of artists will be stored in the Artefatto mailing list. Full and updated event information will be published on the www.artefatto.info and www.retecivica.trieste.it websites.

Art. 2 Theme >>
The title of the eleventh Artefatto event is: IT’S ME
In 2013 the word selfie was included in the Oxford Dictionary, which nominated it the word of the year. At the time of writing, 302,599,174 self-portraits had been published with hashtag #me, a reflection of the now quite normal practice of communication through social interfaces.
IT’S ME, however, aims to encourage investigation of the human need to look outwards, introduce themselves and interact with others in the world of today, using all the event’s permitted languages rather than digital media alone.

Art. 3 Registration and application >>
Registration requires completion of the entry form. This can be downloaded in English or Italian from websites www.artefatto.info and www.retecivica.trieste.it; it must be completed in full and sent to questions@artefatto.info by 21 March 2016, accompanied by a proof of identity and the other documents requested.

Art. 4 Committee >>
The Artefatto 11 adjudicating committee, composed of internationally recognised experts from the art world, young artists and institutional representatives, is appointed by the Municipality of Trieste.
The committee will evaluate submissions according the following criteria:
1. artistic merit
2. adherence to, and interpretation of, the theme
3. standard of presentation of the project and portfolio
Results of the selection process will be announced by email on 5 April 2016 and published later on the www.artefatto.info website.
The committee reserves the right to reject works that differ significantly in form from the images submitted for selection.

Art. 5 General Arrangements >>
The full costs of submitting and returning works must be met by the artists concerned.
The exhibition is organised by the Municipality of Trieste; artists can offer suggestions of a technical nature on their entry forms. Artists may be permitted to display their work personally if specific arrangements are needed.

Art. 6 Hospitality >>
The Municipality of Trieste will organise hospitality (overnight stay and breakfast) for the successful artists during the exhibition’s opening weekend, with priority given to artists who have travelled furthest.

Art. 7 Artefatto_zoom and collateral events >>
On the day after the opening, the Municipality of Trieste will stage Artefatto_zoom, an collateral event to present the portfolios of the successful artists, in digital or physical form, to various curators of art.

Art. 8 Catalogue >>
A catalogue of the selected works will be published containing biographies of the artists. Each artist will receive two copies.



Comune di Trieste – Area Educazione, Università, Ricerca, Cultura e Sport
Servizio Biblioteche, Istruzione, Politiche Giovanili
Poli di Aggregazione Giovanile
Piazza della Cattedrale 4/a – 34121 Trieste
+39 040 348 5818 (from Monday to Saturday 2:30-7:30 p.m.)
www.artefatto.info, www.retecivica.trieste.it

Schermata 2016-01-19 alle 11.03.10