Members highlights

16 Dicembre 2015

Intorno all’Opera | San Marino e le Biennali dei Giovani Artisti dell’Europa e del Mediterraneo

Repubblica di San Marino Dipartimento Cultura e Turismo Istituti Culturali – Galleria d’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea – Arti Performative sabato 19 dicembre, ore 15.15 Sanmarinosarajevo, /ti’tano/, A Natural Oasis I progetti transnazionali promossi dalla Repubblica di San Marino Museo di Stato della Repubblica di San Marino Piazzetta Titano, Città di […]
16 Dicembre 2015

Remembering 30 years of Biennale! Ancona 2013

Mediterranea 16 has tried to rewrite, in a radical way, the nature of the Biennale itself. The curators collective (Charlotte Bank, Alessandro Castiglioni, Nadira Laggoune, Delphine Leccas, Slobodne Veze/Loose Associations, Marco Trulli and Claudio Zecchi) has worked with a coherent and common vision and has tackled a socio-political issue: a […]
21 Novembre 2015

Intorno all’Opera: San Marino e le Biennali dei Giovani Artisti dell’Europa e del Mediterraneo

San Marino e le Biennali dei Giovani Artisti dell’Europa e del Mediterraneo Sabato 28 novembre e Sabato 19 dicembre, 2015, ore 15.15 Museo di Stato della Repubblica di San Marino Piazzetta Titano, Città di San Marino   Ritorna sabato 28 novembre e sabato 19 dicembre ore 15.15 presso il Museo […]
24 Ottobre 2015

Meet the Spanish young artists of Mediterranea 17 Young Artists Biennale

It is now possible to download a copy of the Spanhis Artist’s Catalogue that the Spanish National Committe have made for Mediterranea 17 Young Artists Biennale. DOWNLOAD THE CATALOGUE HERE
19 Ottobre 2015

Pre-Biennale in Genoa

Mediterranea 17 Young Artists Biennale No food’s Land        Biennale Pre-Event, Genova 2015 Palazzo Ducale October 19th to October 22nd 100 artists from Europe and for the Mediterranean will be meeting in Genova from October 19th to October 22nd The complete program (ITA and ENG) is available here:
5 Ottobre 2015

Meet the Egyptian young artists of Mediterranea 17 Young Artists Biennale

The Atelier of Alexandria (The Group of Artists and Writers), established in 1935 in Alexandria, Egypt, had selected fourteen Egyptian young artists under 35 years old to participate to Mediterranea 17 Young Artists Biennale in the fields of arts Literature, Music and Visual arts. In Music, MaQuaM is an Egyptian […]
5 Ottobre 2015

Meet the Turkish young artists of Mediterranea 17 Young Artists Biennale

  Sabancı University Kasa Gallery     Gökçen Dilek Acay (Born in Istanbul, 1983. Works and lives in Istanbul and Weimar) Gökçen Dilek Acay studied music Violin in Yildiz Technical University in Istanbul. She participated to the exchange program ‘Media Art Department’ in Minneapolis Collage Art and Design. She obtained […]
20 Settembre 2015

(FRA) A vos marques, prêts pour une soirée avec la sélection française de la Biennale !

Présentation de la sélection française Vendredi 2 octobre 2015 à partir de 18h30 Show case, performance, projection, DJ, la sélection française se dévoile au public marseillais avant leur départ pour Milan. Vendredi 2 octobre, dès 18h30, entrée libre pour les adhérents [adhésion 2 euros]. A l’occasion d’une soirée festive dans […]
25 Agosto 2015

Genoa, Milan, Turin: save the date(s)!

October is not so far away, and we have a huge amount of events scheduled. Here is a calendar, we look forward to see you there! More info will be published in the following weeks. Pre-Biennale, Genoa October from 19th to 22nd Palazzo Ducale, Genoa Three days of performances, workshops, […]
4 Agosto 2015

Pre-Biennale in Genoa: the selected artists. 19th – 22nd October, Palazzo Ducale, Genoa

More than 100 artists from Mediterranea 17 Young Artists Biennale and artists from the CreArt project,  funded under the Culture programme 2007-2013, aiming at establishing the permanent and professional system for the mobility of artists working with the visual arts, will be present in Genoa from October 19th to 22nd. 3 […]