9 Dicembre 2015
Intorno all’Opera | San Marino e le Biennali dei Giovani Artisti dell’Europa e del Mediterraneo
16 Dicembre 2015

Remembering 30 years of Biennale! Ancona 2013

Mediterranea 16 has tried to rewrite, in a radical way, the nature of the Biennale itself. The curators collective (Charlotte Bank, Alessandro Castiglioni, Nadira Laggoune, Delphine Leccas, Slobodne Veze/Loose Associations, Marco Trulli and Claudio Zecchi) has worked with a coherent and common vision and has tackled a socio-political issue: a reflection on the independence of the educational and informational process for young artists in the field of the different information regimes. The work, deeply experimental, didn’t leave anything untried in terms of analysis and research of itself, in the attempt to  understand the contemporary cultural scene and the geopolitical specificity in which we are operating. The Biennale in Ancona, for which I’m very proud, maybe it was not fully understood for one simple reason: it tried, for the first time, to innovate the imagine of the Biennale, that seems sometimes obsolete. For the future, I wish the Biennale to continue following this path: rethinking its format and developing autonomous research path, independents and, why not, even resilient.

Alessandro Castiglioni, Curator

Il progetto di Mediterranea 16 ha cercato di riscrivere in modo abbastanza radicale la natura della Biennale stessa. Tutto il collettivo di curatori (Charlotte Bank, Alessandro Castiglioni, Nadira Laggoune, Delphine Leccas, Slobodne Veze/Loose Associations, Marco Trulli and Claudio Zecchi), che ha lavorato con una visione coerente e comune, si è posto un problema di natura sociale e politica: la riflessione sull’indipendenza dei processi formativi e informativi dei giovani artisti nel contesto dei differenti regimi dell’informazione. Il lavoro, dalla vocazione fortemente sperimentale, non ha lasciato nulla di intentato in termini di analisi, ricerca e spesa del sé, nel tentativo di comprendere la scena culturale contemporanea, nella specificità geopolitica in cui ci siamo mossi. Questa nostra Biennale, di cui sono molto orgoglioso, forse non è stata compresa in pieno per un semplice motivo: ha provato,  per la prima volta, a spezzare un’immagine, a tratti desueta, che la Biennale era solita darsi. In questo orizzonte auguro alla Biennale di riuscire ad agire così: ripensando i formati e sviluppando percorsi di ricerca autonomi, indipendenti e, perché no, anche resilienti.

Alessandro Castiglioni, Curatore

The participation in the Biennale of Ancona in 2013 was a very important experience for our theatre group.
We met young artists/activists from all over the world, with so many different backgrounds and techniques and we all had the chance to share ideas and our vision of art. This was extremely valuable and inspiring. After the Biennale, we had the opportunity to create some new projects and perform them across Europe.

mETIC theatre group
Maria Trialoni, Yorgos Tsamis, Artists

The Biennale of Ancona 2013, was a very important landing point for my artistic career. Having in mind that the work which I was presented with, helped me not just find new opportunities to meet great minds and people, but also opened other departing points for me.

Making the whole journey work as a terminal of connecting things flying to other things…

Driton Selmani, Artist