(ITA) Si è conclusa con successo la Summer School del progetto “A Natural Oasis?”
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MOTEL TROGIR “The East is west of the West” | SELECTION RESULTS

Opening of the KOTEKS Sports and Shopping Center, Split 1981 (Photo: Mario Javorčić)

The open call launched by Slobodne veze/Loose associations, in collaboration with BJCEM, “The East is west of the West” is now closed. We have received around fifty applications from 25 countries (Austria, Georgia, Brasil, Poland, Romania, France, Albania, Bulgaria, Switzerland, Kosovo, Croatia, Greece, Germany, Ukraine, Denmark, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Slovenia, Serbia, Russia, Italy, Belarus, the Netherlands, Sweden, Montenegro and India). The members of the jury (Nataša Bodrožić, Lidija Butković Mićin, Ivana Meštrov and Saša Šimpraga) have selected the following artists (in alphabetical order) for the upcoming short term residency in Trogir and Split, in September 2016:

1.       Katerina Duda (Croatia)

2.       Pavel Khailo (Ukraine)

3.       Marko Salapura (Serbia)

4.       Katharina Swoboda (Austria)

5.       Nikolas Ventourakis (Greece)

Additionally, the special mention of the jury goes to proposals by the following artists: Elisa Storelli, Silvia Amancei & Bogdan Armanu, Jan Domicz, Antonio Kiselić, Driton Selmani, Marijana Bucat, Timo Menke with whom we would like to develop some sort of collaboration in the near future.
We would like to thank everyone who participated in this call.
Keep following our project and campaign on our blogs and Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/Motel-Trogir-599623473432948/