Retour de Biennale in Marseille
15 Novembre 2012
Slobodne Veze/Loose Associations
4 Dicembre 2012

Alessandro Castiglioni

Alessandro Castiglioni (1984) is an art historian and curator.
Since 2004 has been engaged in educational programs at the Museo MAGA, Gallarate, Varese ( Since 2011 he is General Co – Secretary of the Premio Nazionale Arti Visive Città di Gallarate.
Since 2008, with Ermanno Cristini, he has curated the Roaming project ( He was Guest Curator at O’Artoteca, Milan; curator of the 47th Premio Suzzara, Mantua; and of the XXIV Premio Gallarate. Institutions he has worked with, include: Assab One, Milan; Careof/Docva, Milan; Museo di Villa Croce, Genoa; MCA, Valletta (Malta); CIA Reykjavik (Iceland); Cabaret Voltaire, Zurich (CH); MCBA, Lausanne (CH); Foundation Sandretto Re Rebaudengo, Turin; Museo Riso, Palermo.
His publications include: The Land Seen from the Sea, Mousse Publishing, 2012, LONG PLAY – XXIV Premio Gallatate, Mousse Publishing, 2012; Two Paper Drops Before the Sky, Mousse Publishing, 2011; Casamatta 47° Premio Suzzara, NLF, 2011; Nella deriva di tutte le incertezze, Sputnik Edition, 2011; La collezione del museo MAGA, Electa, 2010; Little Constellation, Mousse Publishing, 2010. He coordinates the Master’s Degree in Education for the Museum, with the Aldo Galli Academy of Como where he teaches Contemporary Aesthetics. He’s visiting lecturer in Phenomenology and Art Critics at the Catholic University of Milan.
Since 2009, with Roberto Daolio, he has been the curator of Little Constellation Network (, project by Rita Canarezza and Pierpaolo Coro and an international network on contemporary art aiming to organize and promote projects with a specific focus on the current research activity in the small states of europe: Andorra, Cyprus, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Malta, Monaco, Montenegro, San Marino, and in a few european geocultural micro-areas including Canton Ticino (CH), Ceuta (E), Gibraltar (UK), Kaliningrad (RUS).

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