14 ottobre: “Meet the artists” con i tre fotografi coinvolti nel progetto Mediterranea Youth Photo.
14 Ottobre 2016
Mediterranea Youth Photo: Report of the first step in Braga
20 Ottobre 2016

Mediterranean Landscapes | Residency in Viterbo

Photo Amir Yatziv “detroit #21-7-9”, 2011 c-print – 110,5 × 200,8 cm
Courtesy the artist and Laveronica arte contemporanea

La Ville Ouverte | Mediterranean Landscapes

An international residency programme open to under-34 visual artists

Viterbo, 20-31 October 2016

curated by Giuditta Nelli, Marco Trulli (Cantieri d’Arte) and Pelagica (Fabrizio Vatieri and Laura Lecce)

in cooperation with A-POIS Art Projects to Overcome Impossibile Sites

How do landscapes shape human imagination?

Mediterranean Landscapes is a transnational route, linking three territories and six artists from different countries, highlighteining the features of Mediterranean landscape, in attempt to create a common geography of reference points, and a shared identity related to migrations and transformations. The first step of the project is an artist residence in the territories of Tigullio and Tuscia (Italy), from October 21st to 30th. Ten days of explorations and meetings with local communities, artists, curators, architects, urban planners and geographers. The second step is another residence in Ljubljana, from October 31st to November 7th that will serve as a sharing moment among the six artists and the curators. The final outcomes of the residency will be presented during Mediterranea 18 Young Artists Biennale that will take place in May 2017 in Tirana and Durrës (Albania). Residency Programme in Viterbo is curated by Marco Trulli and Pelagica (Laura Lecce and Fabrizio Vatieri).

How do landscapes shape human imagination? This is the key question of Mediterranean landscapes’artists residence, which aims to reflect on the changes are taking place in the Mediterranean landscape, on migrations that are changing the social face of the Mediterranean but redefine, in some way, even the urban landscape and its enjoyment.

The residence invites artists to interpret the Mediterranean landscape, a multifaceted and complex world to portray and reflect on, under the geological and physical appearance, but also political and anthropological.

Its “narrative” nature creates innumerable inspirations and artworks, its variable borders reflects infinite shades and identities. For these reasons, this landscape has been chosen as a fertile working material for young contemporary artists, a scenario with multiple faces and countless contradictions, that this project choose as starting point for a debate on a geographical area, today one of the most complex cultural and human ecosystems in the world.

Through the invitation of anthropologists, geographers, artists and curators, the residence conduct the selected artists to perform a reading of the Mediterranean landscape interpreted as a social landscape.

The aim is not to produce an impossible representation, but to imagine new reconfigured landscapes between languages, alphabets and geography.

Residency Programme (Viterbo)

20 October 2016
6.00 pm
AlbumArte | Via Flaminia 122, Rome, Italy

How do landscapes shape human imagination?
With: Federica Candelaresi, General Secretary of BJCEM; Carlo Testini, Arci nazionale; Marco Trulli, Curator of Cantieri d’arte; Laura Lecce and Fabrizio Vatieri, Curators of Pelagica; Ryts Monet, Ieva Saudargaite Douaihi e Neza Knez, artists.

21 October 2016
11.00 am
Viterbo, City hall

Press conference
With: Antonio Delli Iaconi, Assessore alla Culture Council Member Viterbo Municipality, Federica Candelaresi General Secretary Biennal of Young European and Mediterranean Artists, Carlo Testini, Arci Italy, Marco Trulli, Curator of Cantieri d’Arte , Fabrizio Vatieri and Laura Lecce, curators of Pelagica.

9.00 pm
Biancovolta, via delle Piagge, 23 Viterbo

Fabio Orsi concert (drone, ambient)
Silent Carnival concert

22 October 2016
5.30 pm
Spazio Attivo BIC LAZIO via Faul 20, Viterbo

Think in day with Franco La Cecla (Anthropologist and Urban planner) and Massimo Mazzone (artist, activist)
Una riflessione sull’esperienza e l’influenza del paesaggio nell’immaginario delle comunità mediterranee
Franco La Cecla, anthropologist and urban planner, has taught Cultural Anthropology at the Universities of Venice, Verona, Palermo, Milan, Barcelona and Lausanne. He has been Visiting professor at the EHESS, Paris’ School of Higher Studies in Social Science. He has been a consultant to the Renzo Piano Building Workshop and to Barcelona Regional. He has founded the agency ASIA-Architecture Social Impact Assessment for the evaluation of the social impact of architectural works and urban planning. La Cecla has authored a number of documentaries on Italian emigration; one of those, In altro mare, has won the San Francisco Ocean Film Festival in 2010. He has also worked at designing festivals and organizing exhibitions. He is a regular contributes the newsdailies ‘La Repubblica,’ ‘Avvenire,’ and ‘Il Sole-24 Ore.’ His books include: Mente locale (1993), Saperci fare (2009), Modi bruschi (2010), all published by elèuthera. Also, Perdersi (Laterza 2005); Surrogati di presenza (B. Mondadori 2006); Contro l’Architettura (Bollati Boringhieri 2008); Lasciami (Ponte alle Grazie 2009); Il punto G dell’uomo. Desiderio al maschile (Nottetempo 2011).
Massimo Mazzone, artist

26 Ottobre 2016
6:00 pm
Biancovolta, Via delle Piagge, 23 Viterbo

Think in day con Gennaro Ascione, Sara Alberani, Stefano Canto
Mediterranean landscapes, migration, postcolonial geographies
Sara Alberani, born in Faenza, lives and works in Rome. She attended the Faculty of Humanities of the University of Rome, with a course in Contemporary Art History and she’s currently working as an independent curator. Alberani worked at Gervasuti Foundation for Venice Biennale, in 2013, and for the Biennale of Architecture, 2014. During 2014 she took part in the residential program of Free Home University, Lecce, and obtained a scholarship to study at the ULB Brussels in 2015. From 2014 she founded the Nationless Pavilion project, in Venice, and she’s co-founder and curator in the Nation25 artistic platform. These latest projects reflects , through artistic practice, the issue of migration and post-colonial dynamics.
Gennaro Ascione, born in Naples in 1978. He is a researcherof history of ideas, decolonization of knowledge, postcolonialism, cultural studies and social theory, working with several international research centers such as the Center of Postcolonial Studies and Gender at the University of Naples L’Orientale, the Center for Social Theory at the University of Warwick (UK), the Centre for Studies of International Relations New Delhi (India), and the Museum of Art and Science of Barcelona (Spain) Arts Santa Monica, where he was responsible of Actar publishing. DJ and electronic music producer with experiences of video-documentary. Among his books A sud di nessun Sud. Postcolonialismo, movimenti anti-sistemici e studi decoloniali (Odoya 2009) Science and the Decolonization of Social Theory.Unthinking Modernity. (Palgrave-McMillan 2016), the documentary Offside Modernities: 200 South Africa FIFA World Cup and its discontents.
Stefano Canto, born in 1974 in Rome, he graduated in architecture in 2003. He exhibited in solo and group shows including MACRO Museum of Rome and Museo Riso in Palermo, he participated to the artist residency at N38E13 and in 2010 was one of the winners of Terna Prize. His research moves form the poetic of the objects and the places, through the social implications between natural and urban environment, and between man and architecture.

27 October 2016
9.00 pm
Tuscia University

Conference Mediterranean landscapes
Ex Disbec, University of Tuscia, Viterbo.
in collaboration with course of History of Contemporary Art Professor, Elisabetta Cristallini
Presentation of the artist residence Mediterranean landscapes
Marco Trulli, curator at Cantieri d’Arte
Fabrizio Vatieri e Laura Lecce, curators at Pelagica
Neza Knez, Enrico De Napoli, Ieva Saudargaite Douaihi, artists

28 Ottobre 2016
18.00 pm
Spazio Attivo BIC LAZIO via Faul 20, Viterbo

Think in day with Pelagica
Pelagica is a curatorial and research project on the Mediterranean scenario, run by Laura Lecce and Fabrizio Vatieri. Its fundamental tool of investigation is the practice of art itself. Pelagica embarks on an exploration and therefore a reading of the Mediterranean area, through the art projects with which it interacts. Consciously it operates in a complex geography, especially since its insertion into a referential imaginary, often connoted. The Mediterranean area is often referred to an exotic uniform region, and has been artistically referred to the invasive “topos” of the literary metaphor. On the contrary, the Mediterranean, today and ever, imposes a plurality of present-time and visible signs of the various human settlements on anyone who wants to understand it. The Mediterranean, the value, the fundamental function, the round table on which the terms of observation were determined, today appears as an impossible portrait, so far from the exact and proportionated aesthetic function that has always been given to it.

29 Ottobre 2016
Ore 21.00
Cinema Trento, Via del Santuario, 51 Viterbo

Film Screening Ogni opera di confessione of Alberto Gemmi and Mirco Marmiroli
with the directors e and curators Claudio Zecchi and Marco Trulli
(in collaboration with Immagini dal sud del mondo)
A man decides to buy a flat in a controversial district of the city. An abandoned area can be seen from this building, a factory with a glorious past, laying there while waiting for a sumptuous and complex restoration project. At the same time, a Rom family has been living for a long time in a camper there, trying to fit in this space. Far from there, an old worker, keeps his passion for aircrafts and dreams to have one last flight. Sounds and movements linking environment and man, and representing a shared dignity in facing the seasons that go by.

30 October 2016
Urban Center, Piazza dei Caduti, Viterbo
Final exhibition

31 October 2016
Transfer to Ljubljana

A project promoted by Cantieri d’Arte e Arci/La Ville Ouverte as part of the activities of BJCEM Network supported by Creative Europe, Programme of the European Union.


Enrico De Napoli – Ryts Monet (Italy) | Ryts Monet was born in Bari, Italy in 1982. He works in both Venice and Tokyo. In 2007, Monet graduated in Visual Arts, and in 2011 in Visual Communications from the University IUAV of Venice. Since 2013, in the same University, Ryts Monet has served as assistant professor. Monet has been awarded numerous grants and residencies, including the Movin’Up grant for the realization of a project in Japan in 2013; as well as the first prize of the Premio Celeste national art prize for his work “Black Flag Revival” in 2013. He has been artist-in-residence in such locations as in Tokyo, Venice and Turin. From August to November of 2015 he will be Artist in Residence at BijlmAIR (Amsterdam). Recent solo exhibitions include “Sisters” at Gallery COEXIST-TOKYO, Japan (2014). Notable group exhibitions include “Baton Sinister” in the Norwegian Pavilion; at the 54th Venice Biennale, Monet took part in a performative event at the Denmark Pavilion.

Neža Knez (Slovenia) | Neža Knez was  born in Ljubljana in 1990. In year 2014 she gratuaded (sculpture) on the Academy of Fine Arts and Design, where she continues master’s program, under the mentorship of professor Jože Barši. She works in a diverse media: audio, video, photography, drawings and classical sculpture. Her work is based on a research of perceptions with different senses, playing with visibility and invisibility, dealing with question of (thinking) body: interested in connection between the body , the senses and the space/object/people.  Neža has been awarded different grants and residencies, including the Prešern’s award of Academy of Fine Arts, University of Ljubljana (2015) and a Residency in Berlin, at Maja Škerbot (2014). In 2016 she has been nominated for the OHO award.

Ieva Saudargaite Douaihi (Lebanon) | Ieva Saudargaitė is a photographer of architecture, artifacts and territories. Ieva grew up between Lithuania, United Arab Emirates and Lebanon. She attended the Lebanese American University as well as École Spéciale d’Architecture, and received a Bachelor’s degree in Architecture. Ieva has been based in Beirut since 2007. While continuing collaboration with regional architecture and design firms in bringing to light their best work, she is currently working on several personal projects in and around Beirut. In 2015 she has been finalist for the Gabriele Basilico Prize in Architecture and Landscape Photography. She took part of a collective exhibition ‘Tracce dal Limes’ at the Festival Architettura in Città, Turin, Italy. In 2016 she has been selected as participant for Ras Masqa art residency program; she has been artist in residence for the Group exhibition at Sto Werkstatt in London, UK.




He graduated from the Faculty of Conservation and Cultural Heritage of the Tuscia University in Viterbo with a bachelor’s degree in History of Contemporary Art. In 2007 he attended the specialization course “Conceptual buildings and architectures: ways of representing the imaginary city and the real city. Since 2005 he has supervised the public art project Cantieri d’Arte in collaboration with the Tuscia University hosting a number of national and international artists who have created site specific projects and installations for the urban space. Currently he coordinates public art projects at National Arci.

Pelagica is a curatorial and research project on the Mediterranean scenario, run by Laura Lecce and Fabrizio Vatieri. Its fundamental tool of investigation is the practice of art itself. Pelagica embarks on an exploration and therefore a reading of the Mediterranean area, through the art projects with which it interacts. Consciously it operates in a complex geography, especially since its insertion into a referential imaginary, often connoted. The Mediterranean area is often referred to an exotic uniform region, and has been artistically referred to the invasive “topos” of the literary metaphor. On the contrary, the Mediterranean, today and ever, imposes a plurality of present-time and visible signs of the various human settlements on anyone who wants to understand it. The Mediterranean, the value, the fundamental function, the round table on which the terms of observation were determined, today appears as an impossible portrait, so far from the exact and proportionated aesthetic function that has always been given to it.
