IS.LAND Results of the Open Call
8 Agosto 2022
10 Ottobre 2023


Applications close: (Extended) May 25, 2023, midnight (CET)

Promoted by the international association BJCEM – Biennale des Jeunes Créateurs de l’Europe et de la Méditerranée, and co-funded by the European Union (Grant Agreement Project 101052900).

Gathering spells departs from the multifaceted difficulties and responsibilities cultural organisations face across Europe and the transMediterranean today. We are building a participatory educational platform for fifty cultural agents who wish to contribute to local socio-ecological transformation and trans-local solidarity through their organisations. We invite participants to explore with us pluriversal perspectives and knowledge systems and how they shape their practices. We will share tools, tricks and rituals that will contribute to a collective ideation and experimentation of alternatives that respond to deeply-rooted political and economic structural issues. In addition, we will critically reflect on what it means to implement a sustainable operational framework as a cultural organisation by acknowledging and including pluri-geographical perspectives. Gathering spells will also delve into how organisations could become agents of regeneration for their local multispecies (human and more-than-human) communities. Beyond the local, how can just, trans-local networks be cultivated sustainably in an era of hypernationalist rhetoric and urgent energy transition? And in terms of a just energy transition, how could the increasing dependence on digital infrastructure for promoting artists and exhibiting art align with the sector’s significant carbon footprint? How does increasing online circulation of art and the globalisation of culture impact precarious cultural producers and marginalised sites of artistic production? These questions, along with the answers we receive from the survey will become the building blocks for Gathering spells.

Gathering Spells is a fifty-hour long online program open to fifty participants. The program is separated into modules presented in different modalities and inspired by diverse practices of assembling and collaborative study. The first twenty hours of the program will be reserved to invited presenters while the remaining thirty hours will be co-planned together with the participants and shaped by the needs raised in the survey. Multiple conversations, developed in the perspective of an agora of voices, will be coordinated by facilitators with the aim of building translocal alliances and discussing new models of sustainable management of cultural institutions. The course is in English.

Cultural operators, art workers, institutional and independent professionals who are interested in, or with experience in the programs’ themes are encouraged to APPLY.
Fifty people will be selected to participate in the course. – All the cultural operators, including BJCEM members and partners can apply to this call.