A Natural Oasis?
13 Aprile 2022
Every food is a landscape
22 Giugno 2022

The Tending of the Otherwise

A Map for a Whole*, (a proposal for a cosmology to navigate consensus reality) (2020-2021) *{Consciousness/Life/Bodies/Us} Intention and graphite on paper, 35 x 28 cm The work is part of the series BAĦAR (2020-2021)


A project by BJCEM – Biennale des Jeunes Créateurs de l’Europe et de la Méditerranée, curated by Simone Frangi and Alessandro Castiglioni in the frame of Procida Capitale della Cultura 2022

Islands are

Places apart

Where Europe is absent

Wrote Auden.

Islands are

From before or

For after humankind

Wrote Deleuze

Stuart McLean, “SEA”

In the exergue to “SEA” – a text with which Stuart McLean returns in 2017 after many years to the poetic space as a place to articulate socio-cultural issues – the anthropologist inscribes a statement that the Korean author Myung Mi Kim made in an interview in 2007: “The work of writing and reading and thinking is the tending of the otherwise”. This idea of taking care of an “otherwise”, of dedicating oneself to alternative possibilities through creative and intellectual work crosses the convictions expressed by McLean in Fictionalizing Anthropology. Encounters and Fabulations at the Edges of the Human (2017), where language and aesthetic, symbolic and material forms are proposed as performative methods to explore new horizons of collective life, which are able to fabulate unprecedented events and complex subjectivities between the human and the non-human. 

Taking Myung Mi Kim and Stuart McLean’s suggestions as a starting point, The tending of the otherwise project brings together 25 young artists from the Euro-Mediterranean area whose practices explore new sustainable imaginaries for contemporary life: the challenges of ecology and social inclusion; processes of subjectification in relation to political architectures; the role of urban and environmental innovation in fragile geopolitical contexts and the need for a downshifting in economic and cultural practices, particularly in Mediterranean micro-territories.  

Articulated through an exhibition, relational and public space interventions, a performance programme, a film programme, a public programme and series of production residencies in Procida, The tending of the otherwise will ritualize the presence of the works and the artists on the island with live moments of a different nature, cyclically drawing attention to the project.


[June 16 – September 25, 2022] Exhibition

Ru Kim (Korea-France): Officina Misteri

Adrian Abela (Malta): Officina Misteri

Yesmine Ben Khelil (Tunisia): Officina Misteri

Victor Fotso Nyie (Italy): Cappella sottoportico Terra Murata

Marco Giordano (Italy): Serbatoio Terra Murata

Bianca Hisse (Brasil-Norway) Officina Misteri

Eleni Odysseos (Cyprus): Cappella della Purità

Francis Offman (Italy): Officina Misteri

Virginia Russolo (Italy, Greece): Officina Misteri

Vanja Smiljanić (Serbia – Portugal): Cappella della Purità

Adji Dieye (Italy, Senegal): Spazi di affissione

Binta Diaw (Italy, Senegal): Giardino Vigna

Valentina Karga (Greece): Giardino Casa del Direttore Carcere

Sophie Utikal (Austria-Germany): Palazzo d’Avalos

Michele Seffino (Italy): Giardino Vigna

[June 17-18, 2022] Performance

Selin Davasse (Turkey): Lungomare Chiaiolella (venerdì 17 giugno)

GianMarco Porru (Italy) – Marisilvia Greco (Italy): Casale Vascello (sabato 18 giugno)

[September 23/24, 2022] Cinema Program

Areej Huniti & Eliza Goldox (Jordan-Germany)

Noor Abuarafeh (Palestina – Egypt)

Endi Tupja (Albania)

Enar de Dios Rodríguez (Spain-Austria)

Riccardo Badano & Hanna Rullmann (Italy, Netherlands, UK)

Johanna Bruckner (Austria)

[September 25, 2022] Performance Program

Madison Bycroft (Australia-France): Piscina Albergo La vigna

[June 16/17/18, 2022] Public Program Spiaggia di Ciraccio

First seminar of A Natural Oasis? A Transnational Research Programme seven curators under 35 from Europe and the Mediterranean from Italy, France, Cyprus, Albania, Libano, Marocco, Norway.

In the frame of the official program of