Mediterranea Youth Photo: Report of the first step in Braga
20 Ottobre 2016
BJCEM Board of Directors and General Assembly in Tirana, October 26-27
26 Ottobre 2016

Mediterranean Landscapes | Residency in Tigullio

Photo Amir Yatziv “detroit #21-7-9”, 2011 c-print – 110,5 × 200,8 cm
Courtesy the artist and Laveronica arte contemporanea

La Ville Ouverte | Mediterranean Landscapes

How do landscapes shape human imagination?

An international residency programme open to under-34 visual artists

curated by Giuditta Nelli, Marco Trulli (Cantieri d’Arte) and Pelagica (Fabrizio Vatieri and Laura Lecce)

in cooperation with A-POIS Art Projects to Overcome Impossibile Sites

Presentation of the International Artists’ Residency Program in Tigullio

MUSEL, Sala Bo – Palazzo Fascie, Sestri Levante
Saturday October 22nd 2016, 5 pm

La Ville Ouverte | Mediterranean Landscapes” is a transnational project involving different areas and providing 6 young artists the opportunity to take part in a series of residencies with the production of an artwork as a final aim.

From October 21st to October 31st, three of these artists, selected through a public call, will reside in Sestri Levante and will live the first stage of this international and itinerant experience that will also involve Tuscia and Lubjana to reach its conclusion in Tirana, in May 2017, during “Mediterranea 18. Young Artists Biennale”.

Chloé Despax (Belgium), Selím Harbi (Tunisia) and Giulio Saverio Rossi (Italy) are the young artists that, mentored by curator and social practice artist Giuditta Nelli, will actively live the Tigullio area through moments of study and dialogue, discovering the landscape and its cultural and artistic realities.

How do landscapes shape human imagination?

This is the question/subject of the project, that wants to foster reflections on the themes of identity, geography, and the nature of public space in a migration era.

The aim is to develop a collective project, a reflection on the ever-changing Mediterranean landscape, an itinerary linking together artists from various backgrounds and cultures and a blend of landscapes, suggestions, boundaries and geographies transforming under our own eyes.

During the residency in Tigullio, the artists will take part in explorations, drifts, round table discussions with artists, architects and geographers and will meet the local communities on a daily basis. They will observe and reinterpret the area; they will be hosted by some local citizens; they will be stimulated and they will stimulate reflections on the features of the Mediterranean landscape, looking for a shared identity between migrations and transformations.

ARCI Liguria promotes the project in Tigullio area, alongside with A-POIS. Art projects to overcome impossible sites (social promotion association) and sponsored by the municipalities of Chiavari, Lavagna and Sestri Levante.

Thanks to Prof. Fabrizio Benente, scientific director of Sistema Museale di Sestri Levante e Castiglione Chiavarese, MUSEL will host the residency presentation, will organise a tour of the most interesting local historical buildings and will guide the artists through a nighttime visit in the Museum.

Ceramics artist Daniela Mangini, with Progetto ArTura _ Territori tra Arte e Natura _ Torre dei Doganieri (Comune di Sestri Levante and Opificio Ceramico Alfredo Gioventù), will welcome the artists at the beginning of their stay and will host, on October 30th, the residency closing event.

Mediaterraneo Servizi, in collaboration with Il Tapullo, will provide a space, into Ex Convento dell’Annunziata, where the artists will gather and leave traces and memories of their experiences.

Many different realities joined the project and will guide the artists in their discovering of Tigullio area. Among them: Carpe Diem, Sentieri a Levante and LabTer Tigullio, Società Cooperativa Agricola Olivicoltori Sestresi, circolo Arci Randal, Anpi Tigullio sezione di Sestri Levante, Centro Giovani Casette Rosse di Sestri Levante and Centro Giovani di Chiavari.

The project is also sponsored by Genova municipality and different activities will be held in Sala Dogana, Palazzo Ducale.

The agenda of all activities will be presented Saturday October 22nd, at 5 pm, at MUSEL Sestri Levante, Sala Bo (Palazzo Fascie, Corso Colombo 50), in presence of the artists (Chloé Despax, Selím Harbi, Giulio Saverio Rossi), Mayor of Sestri Levante Valentina Ghio, curator Giuditta Nelli (ARCI Liguria), ceramics artist Daniela Mangini (Progetto ArTura), architect Tomaso Bozzalla Cassione (A-POIS).

La Ville Ouverte | Mediterranean Landscapes is promoted by Arci Nazionale, Arci Liguria and Arci Lazio, in collaboration with cultural association ŠKUC and RAJ Tunisie, as a part of activities by BJCEM Network, supported by EU program “Creative Europe”.


Updates on the project will be available also on the dedicated Fb page: Mediterranean landscapes. Residenza per artisti,

Further information:
