Post-Biennial Event in Athens
5 Gennaio 2014
BJCEM Board of Directors in Milan
27 Gennaio 2014


June 6th – August 31st 2013

Errors Allowed

Mediterranea 16 Young Artists Biennial is focusing on regimes of knowledge and mechanism of formation in the field of art, but also reflecting upon these processes in the wider society. Starting from the study of informal strategies of learning and self-education practices, the curatorial team proposes three different ways of dealing with the subject:
– an exhibition comprising visual arts, performances, screenings and music. The exhibition is envisioned as a fluctuating form, an experimental ground, interconnecting visual and performative arts (and music), yet spatially dominant segment of the Biennial. The artists will be selected through an open call that will be launched in November and distributed through various channels in the partner countries and beyond.

– a self-generated library with a series of talks. The library is meant to be the heart, or better to say- the generator of the biennial. Every artist selected will be invited to bring a book, a text or any sort of material that one finds crucial for one´s artistic formation. Besides, the library will serve as a meeting and exchange point, place of movement and activities. It will host lectures, talks, screenings, as well as less formal gatherings.

– an open program created by citizens of Ancona. The program has a working title “show and tell” and invites everyone interested (artists and general public) to share experiences, stories and reflections about the city. The Biennial does not only have the intention to talk to Ancona, we would like to Ancona talk to us. The contributions may vary in their form and content, ranging from individual artistic expressions, community actions to the personally envisaged city walks, tours through the city of Ancona, imaginary and revelatory at the same time.

The title of Mediterranea 16 will be Errors Allowed, as a reference to a different regard given to the position that “mistakes” have in the processes of education. Besides, this concept becomes stronger if related with the enquiry on “young” artists that the Biennial asks.

Mediterranea 16 will be held in Ancona, from June 6th until July 7th 2013.

Curators of the event will be: Charlotte Bank, Alessandro Castiglioni, Nadira Laggoune, Delphine Leccas, Slobodne Veze/Loose Associations, Marco Trulli and Claudio Zecchi.

Special thanks to Mrs. Elettra Stamboulis for contributing with her project of “Nomadic Curatorship” to the development of this Biennial.

The official website of Mediterranea 16, with detailed info on the programme and on the artists involved is:

The call for participation has been translated in six different languages: English, French, Italian, Spanish, Arabic and Slovenian.

Ancona is the capital of the Marche Region in the centre of Italy and has almost 103,000 inhabitants. Overlooking the Adriatic Sea, Ancona has one of the biggest Italian ports and also main urban centre of a strategic industrial district.
Member of BJCEM network since 2001, the City of Ancona candidacy to host the Biennial in 2013 has been approved in Thessaloniki on October 2011.
The Biennial, which happens to occur in occasion of the 2400th anniversary of the city, founded in 387 B. C. by the Dorians of Syracuse, is an occasion for Ancona to highlight and strengthen its effort to design new scenarios of integration, cohesion and dialogue between the Countries bordering the Mediterranean and to build a cultural project of international relevance, using the languages of the artistic expressions.
Main venue of the event will be the Mole Vanvitelliana, the ancient lazaretto of the city that stands in the port area, designed by the architect Luigi Vanvitelli, which nowadays is used for temporary exhibitions and other cultural events, such as Arrivi e Partenze exhibition and Amo La Mole Festival.
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Mediterranea 16 – Young Artists Biennial
Curated by
Charlotte Bank, Alessandro Castiglioni, Nadira Laggoune, Deplhine Leccas, Slobodne Veze/Loose Associations (Nataša Bodrožić, Ivana Meštrov), Marco Trulli, Claudio Zecchi
Promoted by
BJCEM Aisbl – Biennale des Jeunes Créateurs de l’Europe et de la Méditerranée
in cooperation with
Regione Marche, Comune di Ancona, Fondo Mole Vanvitelliana

BJCEM Aisbl – Association Internationale pour la Biennale des Jeunes Créateurs de l’Europe et de la Méditerranée
Krista Mikkola

Emiliano Paoletti
General Secretary

Board of Directors
Selim Birsel, Aleksandra Boskovic, Isabelle Bourgeois,
 Rita Canarezza,
 Miguel Cascales Tarazona,
 Elena Christodoulidou, 
Diana Chuli, 
Claudio Grillone,
 Paulo Gouveia,
 France Irrmann,
 Maria Loukou,
 Maria del Gozo Merino Sanchez,
 Nina Mudrinic Milovanovic,
 Said Murad, Abdo Nawar,
Ksenija Orelj,
 Spiros Pengas, Nada Peseva, 
Leonardo Punginelli, Mohamed Rafik Khalil,
 Luigi Ratclif, Jernej Skof,
 Ibrahim Spahić, Carlo Testini,
 Dominique Thevenot, 
Luis Verde Godoy, 
Karsten Xuereb
Bjcem members
ARCI Bari (IT), ARCI Emilia Romagna (IT), ARCI Lazio (IT), ARCI Liguria (IT), ARCI Milano (IT), ARCI Nazionale (IT), ARCI Puglia (IT), ARCI Sardegna (IT), ARCI Sicilia (IT), ARCI Torino (IT), ARCI Toscana (IT), Atelier d’Alexandrie (EG), Ayuntamiento de Madrid (ES), Ayuntamiento de Malaga (ES), Ayuntamiento de Murcia (ES), Ayuntamiento de Salamanca (ES), Ayuntamiento de Sevilla (ES), Ayuntamiento de Valencia (ES), Centar za savremenu umetnost Strategie Art (RS), City of Thessaloniki (GR), Clube Portugues de Artes e Ideias (PT), Communauté d’Agglomération Toulon Provence Méditerranée (FR), Comune di Ancona (IT), Comune di Bologna (IT), Comune di Campobasso (IT), Comune di Ferrara (IT), Comune di Forlì (IT), Comune di Genova (IT), Comune di Milano (IT), Comune di Modena (IT), Comune di Padova (IT), Comune di Prato (IT), Comune di Roma (IT), Comune di Trieste (IT), Comune di Torino (IT), Comune di Venezia (IT), Društvo ŠKUC (SI), EspaceCulture (FR), Fundacion VEO (ES), GAI – Associaizone Circuito Giovani Artisti Italiani (IT), Independent Forum for the Albanian Women (AL), Inizjamed (MT), International Peace Center (IPC) (BA), Mairie de Montpellier (FR), Ministarstvo kulture (ME), Ministry of Education and Culture (CY), Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs, Culture and Sports, General Secretariat for Youth (GR), Multimedia Cultural Center (MKC) (HR), Municipal Welfare Organization of Stavroupolis “iris”, Thessaloniki (GR), Muzej Moderne i suvremene umjetnosti (HR), Regione Puglia (IT), Région PACA (Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur) (FR), Sabanci Universitesi (TR), Sabreen (PS), Seconde Nature (FR), Segretariato di Stato per la cultura, l’educazione, l’Università e le politiche giovanili – Ufficio attività sociali e culturali (SM), SHAMS Association (LB)

Regione Marche
Gian Mario Spacca
Pietro Marcolini
Cultural Policies Councillor
Raimondo Orsetti
Department of International Affairs, Culture and Tourism Director
Paolo Eusebi
Youth Policies Councillor
Sandro Abelardi
Youth and Sports Director P.F.

Comune di Ancona
Antonio Corona
Special Commissioner
Caterina Grechi
General Secretary
Paola Calabrese
Youth Policies Director

Fondo Mole Vanvitelliana
Andrea Nobili


Charlotte Bank, Alessandro Castiglioni, Nadira Laggoune, Slobodne Veze/Loose Associations (Nataša Bodrožić, Ivana Meštrov), Delphine Leccas, Marco Trulli, Claudio Zecchi
Emiliano Paoletti
General coordination
Federica Candelaresi
General organization
Alba Pedrini
Daniele Stillavato
Bellafiore&Leone, Fidelium, Marco Savio e associati

Regione Marche:
Paola Marchegiani
Cultural programming responsible
Patrizia Bonvini
Youth Policies responsible

Comune di Ancona:
Francesco Paesani
Department of Culture Functionary
Elena Feggi, Daniela Gaetani, Lucia Galati

Fondo Mole Vanvitelliana:
Domitilla Vallemani
Executive coordination
with the collaboration of Adriana Malandrino, Giulia Sbano

Massimo Di Matteo, Mauro Tarsetti
Set up realization
Gasparri Arredamenti, Cortesi Marche srl, Gabriele Angeletti, Giorgio Trozzi, Vi.Sa costruzioni
Visual Communication
Alessandro Panichi – Studio Bistro
web designer
Cristiano Magi
Press office
Pr/undercover press officers&event designer (Venice, Milan, Naples)
Local Press Office
Ufficio Stampa Comune di Ancona

Alba Pedrini

Charlotte Bank, Nataša Bodrožić, Alessandro Castiglioni, Nadira Laggoune, Delphine Leccas, Ivana Meštrov, Marco Trulli, Claudio Zecchi
Manuela Valentini
Text for the Visioni Future section
Diana Marrone, Nora Simon, Nadia Aci
Translations (English, french, Italian)
Alessandro Panichi – Studio Bistro
Quodlibet srl

Promoted by
BJCEM Aisbl – Biennale des Jeunes Créateurs de l’Europe et de la Méditerranée
in cooperation with
Regione Marche, Comune di Ancona, Fondo Mole Vanvitelliana

with the support of
Camera di Commercio di Ancona

EU, Città di Torino (IT), Associazione Culturale Visioni Future (IT), Bundesministerium für Unterricht, Kunst und Kultur (AT), Caulier Bier (BE), Comune di Cagliari (IT), European Association of Creative Writing Programmes (EACWP) (ES), Fotografia Europea (IT), Indisciplinarte (IT), Little Constellation, Prince Claus Fund for Culture and Development (NL), Stacion – Center for Contemporary Art Prishtina (KS), The Israeli Center for Digital Art (IL), The Others Art Fair (IT)

Local partners:
Acusmatiq. Electronic Electroacoustic Liveset Djset Festival, Arci Ancona, Camst, Centro sperimentale di arte Poliarte, Museo Tattile Statale Omero, Teatro Stabile delle Marche

Special thanks to
Elettra Stamboulis for her contribution to the project realization
Affordable Art Fair, Giovanni Bonafoni, Daniele Del Pozzo, Fondazione Romaeuropa, Mattia Fontanella, Daniela Ghiandoni, Aldo Grassini, Federica Papa, Piars, Giordano Pierlorenzi, Roberto Raffaelli, Ljudmilla Socci