NEW DEADLINE January 20th 2017

Please note that the call is now closed.
The list of selected artists can be found here:

BJCEM and the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Albania announce the launch of Mediterranea 18 Young Artists Biennale, an international multidisciplinary event, that takes place in Tirana and Durrës, Albania, from May 4th to May 9th 2017. It will bring together around 230 Euro-Mediterranean artists.

Started in 1985, the Biennale takes place every two years in a different city in the Mediterranean area and focuses on young artists and creators. BJCEM is an international network with more than 60 members and partners from Europe, the Middle East and Africa, and thanks to their support, make the event possible ensuring the participation of artists from the territories they represent.

The aims of this international Network are to create opportunities for young artists to enable mobility, exchange, mutual understanding, intercultural dialogue, collaboration and training. The Association supports their creativity processes and puts them in contact with local and international realities in order to help them to grow personally and professionally.

BJCEM is firmly convinced by the role that art and culture can play in society, it enables the values of different culture s to be discovered and learnt whilst enriching our own. Art is a tool that can be used to go beyond borders and conflicts and it doesn’t require the need to speak the same language because it implies a universal code.

The call is open to all creative – visual artists, filmmakers, writers, performers, musicians and designers from 18 to 34 years old (born from January 1st 1982). There are no submission fees and it is open to everyone regardless of gender, religion, social and political behaviours. However, artists that have participated in more than one previous edition cannot apply; priority will be given to artists that have never attended a Biennale before.

Selected artists will be hosted in Tirana – Durrës from May 4th until May 9th 2017 included. During these days their works and performances will be displayed in specific venues of the cities. The exhibitions will remain open to the public until May 28th 2017.

The deadline for applications is January 15th January 20th 2017, at noon (CEST Italian time).

The names of the selected artists will be published on Bjcem website.

List of countries/disciplines for which the selections are open:

Albania: Applied Arts, Film, Literary Creation, Music, Performance, Visual Art

Austria: Visual Art

Bosnia and Herzegovina: Literary Creation, Music

Croatia: Literary Creation

Cyprus: Literary Creation, Performance, Visual Art

Egypt: Literary Creation, Music, Visual Art

France: Visual Art

Greece: Applied Arts, Film, Literary Creation, Music, Performance, Visual Art

Italy: Applied Arts, Film, Literary Creation, Music, Performance, Visual Art

Kosovo: Applied Arts, Film, Music, Visual Art

Lebanon: Film, Performance

Malta: Literary Creation

Montengro: Literary Creation, Visual Art

Morocco: Visual Art

San Marino: Applied Arts, Film, Literary Creation, Music, Performance, Visual Art

Palestine: Music, Visual Art

Portugal: Film, Visual Art

Serbia: Visual Art

Slovenia: Applied Arts, Literary Creation, Performance, Visual Art

Tunisia: Applied Arts, Film

UK: Film, Literary Creation, Performance, Visual Art (Please note that the selection is reserved to artists participating in UKYA National Festival: Derby 16)

Artists interested to present their candidatures should sent:

Visual Art: A complete dossier related to the work including images and useful information to help the juries during the selection process.

Applied Arts: A maximum of 3 projects, applications, digital creations, sketches or ideas that question the meaning of home and its elements.

Film: Send a screener through Vimeo link with working password, and with enabled download option.

Music: Send a demo mp3 through wetransfer.

Performance: For finished work a video (5 minutes max) through Vimeo or Wetransfer and a list of the performing artists. For work in process: photos of process, a list of the performing artists, a summary of the script (if any).

Literary Creation: Send the texts or the concept.


  • The candidatures have to be sent by January 15th January 20th 2017 by noon directly to BJCEM member/partner of reference and in copy to the curator responsible for the specific domain in Tirana. THE DOSSIERS HAVE TO BE SENT IN ELECTRONIC FORMAT ONLY (via email, WeTransfer, Dropbox folders etc.). To know the disciplines selected by each BJCEM member/partner, the useful contacts and email addresses to submit the candidature and verify the eligibility please visit:
  • In the object of the email it must be clearly indicated: name and surname of the applicant, discipline, city/region/country
  • Please note that each BJCEM member will select a number of productions and disciplines defined by the Network. For more information about the precise number of productions to be selected, please refer to each BJCEM member (the list of members is available on BJCEM website).
  • Please notice that no fee will be provided to the selected artists.


The selection of participants will be carried out by local and national juries of experts in different areas. Each jury, in collaboration with each section’s curator, will select the artists on the basis of the presented dossiers. The decisions of each jury are final and not subject to appeal and they will be documented in a report. Quality of work and the bearing on the guidelines will be basic selection criteria.


The presentation of the candidature automatically implies the complete acceptance of the present regulations and the approval of reproduction of the pictures, visual and video of the selected works in the informational and promotional materials related to the event or the artists.


BJCEM network and the local organisers will take care of artists’ participation (flights, board and lodging), artworks shipment, insurance and their set up. No fee will be provided for the participation.


Participants agree to non-exclusive right of BJCEM, only for promotional and non-commercial use, to publish and duplicate images, videos texts and other form of documentation of the selected artists and artworks. These productions will be promoted under the logo of Mediterranea 18 Young Artists Biennale.

The present announcement shall be governed by the law of the country in which the artists send their application.

For general inquiries please write to: