The 10th jubilee Biennial of Young Artists from Europe and the Mediterranean was held in Sarajevo, in the summer of 2001.This editions was linked to the previous one, that was held in Rome, because the two cities candidates together. In 1998 the two cities organized in Sarajevo six workshops that involved 100 artists and in 1999, during the Biennial in Rome, was launched a competition for the design of the new Sarajevo Concert Hall.
In Sarajevo, after many years of work, the International Committee decided to give birth to the International Association BJCEM – Biennale des Jeunes Créateurs de l’Europe et de la Méditerranée. Its legal seat was set in Brussels and its operative center in Turin.
Theme: Chaos and Communication
Sarajevo needed the Biennial to be held immediately after the war and after the besiegement of the city so that the entire community of the city would move into the 21st Century with a new attitude towards the world of art, as well as a new attitude about the experience that Sarajevo was going through.
For the Bosnian artist and citizens the Biennale met the need to express, in an authentic way, their relationship to the contemporary world, which was witnessing, through the eyes of cameras, the murdering of the city and its citizens every day.
Therefore, it was logical that the 10th Biennial should be organized under the title Chaos and Communication.
The disciplines in this edition were: Design, Music, Film, Literature, Visual Art, Gastronomy, Performing Arts.
The Biennial hosted more than 700 artists from 28 Countries (Albania, Algeria, Bulgaria, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, Cyprus, Egypt, Finland, France, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Lebanon, Macedonia, Malta, Moldova, Portugal, Romania, Republic of San Marino, Slovenia, Spain, Syria, Tunisia, Turkey, Ukraine, Kosovo, Montenegro, Serbia).
Among them, to be signaled: Leyla Gediz, visual artist from Istanbul, Anur Hadžiomerspahić, visual artist from Sarajevo, Leonor Hipólito, applied artist from Lisbon, Les Gens du Quai Compagnie, performing art company from Montpellier, Islavica Panić, visual artist from Belgrade, Trio Design Sarajevo, a group of designers from Sarajevo, Fabrizio Turetta, live artist and theatre director from Padua, Zimmerfrei, performers and video-makers from Bologna.
The Biennial occupied different venues in the city. Generally, each venue was dedicated to a single discipline: the Svrzo House hosted the Literature readings, the Skenderija Center was set up to host the Gastronomy section, the Jajce barracks, the former soldiers’ dormitories, which had been transformed into a centre of Modern Art, hosted the Fashion shows and the Art exhibition and the Student House hosted the Performances.
Antonietta Addario; Teresa Aica Bairos; Haris Aijagić; Airesis Dance CO.; AlchemicDuo; Claudio Aldaz Casanova; Borika Alexandrova Maleeva; Adib Al-Fattal; Efi Amanatidou; Daniel Andersch; Stefano Antonello; Antonino Aprea; Burcu Arysoy; Ahmed Askalany; Erwan Augoyardu; Susana Azevedo; Elena Babić; Snježana Ban; Rachele Barbaccia; Ajdin Bašić; Muharem Bazdulj; Edina Bečirović; Mahrez Belaribi; Belma&Edo; Selima Berisalić; Denis Bertoli; Gian Enrico Bertozzi; Simone Biffi; Alessandro Bignami; Momćilo Bijeković; Georgi Bogdanov; Max Boldrin; Rita Bonaparte; Daniele Bordoni; Francesca Bosi; Nada Boubekri; Georges Boulard; Hamza Bounova; Jerome Bourgeix; Alessandra Brognoli; Marco Brosolo; Lucia Bruni; Tania Caravalho; Carmen Cardillo; Carneigra; Isabel Carvalho; Speranza Casillo; Castadea associazione; Sofia Catinari; Riccardo Catozzi; Stephanie Cavaglia; Mercedes Cebrian Coello; Maja Ćeranić; Cyril Chartier-Poyet; Amine Chayani; Chich&Chirik; Fulvio Chimento; Nikos Christopoulos; Aleksandar Cigan; Nedim Čišić; Compagnia Massimiliano Pagliara; Concerto Conservatorio on the Rocks; Mary Corradi; Jorge Cosmen Mirones; Melita Couta; Cretacon; Meritxell Cucurella-Jorba; Mia Čukle; Tomislav Ćurković; Dance group – Chirine Karameh and Leila Mansour; Chara Darmas; Daniele De Batté; Massimo de Bortoli; Publio de La Vega Garcia; Luis de La Vega Hernández; Savio Deguara; Roberto Dell’Orco; Tiziana Deodato; Peggy Desprěs; Kushtirm Deva; Giovanni Di Iacovo; Alfonso Dimatteo; Dimitar Dimitrov; Dodona Theatre Prishtina; Stratos Dontzis; Diana Draganova; EdR.P Architecture; Hanan El-Sheikh; Eman Ezzat Elshazli; Franchino Fabio; Christiano Fadenelli; Luca Farinotti; Azemina Favretto; Roncalo Ferreira de Almeida; Ellen Fetzer; Maria Joana Figueiredo; Anna Filippelli; Fluydo; Sagar Fornies; Angela Frěres; Futura-Several; Marco Ganz; Albert Garcia Elena; Miguel Garcia Membrado; Leyla Gediz; Gregorio Giannotta; GIGI I GIGI; Pere Ginard Cursach; Davide Giovagnoli; Stanko Gojić; Tanja Golić; Emmanuelle Gracia; Stefan Grundner; Maurizio Guerra; Betül Güney; Gus Weg Watergang; Anis Habbal; Loubna Haddad; Mirel Hadžijusofović; Anur Hadžiomerspahić; Magardich Halvajian; Osama Hamza Zaghloul; Vanja Ch. Hamzić; HASSABI co.; Penelope Hatzidimitriou; Chrystale Heraud; Albert Heta; Leonor Hipolito; Irfan Hošić; Ehlimana Hrapović; Iztok Hrga; Larisa Hrustemović; Il Battello Ebbro; Nikola Ilić;; Zlatil Iotov; David Iturregui; Adnan Jasika; Željka Jović; Edi Kaljić; Kalos; Ioanna Karavela; Slimane Karim Harek; KASTRO; Kirika; Ipatia Kladoucha; Klon:Art:Restistance; Roza Kolchagova; Alem Korkut; Aida Koroman; Tomato Košir; Dimitar Kotzev; Andrej Koulev; Sophie Kovess-Brun; Kimberlee Koym; Miroslav Kulchitsky; Nedžad Kurtović; Barbara La Ragione; Pedro Lagrifa Oliveira; Elisa Laraia; David Latorre; Matej Lavrenćić; Les gens du quai cie; Simeon Levy; Rui Lima Antunes; Marie-Jo Long; Los Paranoias; Ellisia Lucchi; Niko Luoma; Macedonian National Theatre / with music by Anastazia; Tiago Machado; Guido Magnani; Ashraf Mahdy; Abed-El-Halim Mahroua; Marion Mahu; Elena Manferdini; Gianni Manusacchio; Sanel Marić; Stéphanie Marquet; Marco Martinela; Cyrille Martinez; Soraya Martinez Lopez; Àngel Masip Soriano; Dunia Mauro; Inti Megías Calero; Stefania Mellis; Andrea Melloni; Juan Mercader Inglés; Ivaylo Milenkov; MI-Nous; Cristina Mirandola; Boris Missirkov; Vesselin Mitev; Catia Mitri; Aomar Mohellebi; Vladimir Mojsilović; S.Matteo Montani; Moto Mimetico; Aronne Motta; Dženita Mrkulić; Jovan Mrvaljević; Yasser Mungy; Music House; N/d’Otages; Sami Nabil; Dalibor Nikolić; Sonia Nikolova; Vanja Nogo; O Stereo Gangsta; Emma Ochoa Alsina; Olocroma; Remedios Orellana Calvente; Piero Orlandi; Simona Palmieri; Andreou Panayiotis; Alessio Pancanti; Slavica Panić; Nicola Papadimitriou; Katerina Papagiorgiou; Eleonora Papapietro; Natacha Paulino; Peace of Art; Barbara Peleš; Giuseppe Perone; Pigrecoemme; Plutonita; Vassilis Polychronakis; Julien Pons; Danijel Premec; Agapi Proimou; Puppet School Sarajevo; Eduard Qarri; Alessandro Quaranta; Nataša Radović; Sara Ragone; Antonio Reina; Alvise Renzini; Restaurant Aeroplan; Revolucionario; Alessandro Righi; Antonio J.F.Riquelme; Alexandre Rodrigues; Valerio Romao; Stoil Roshkev; Desiree Roso; Ila Rouge; André Ruivo; Rym El Khatib; Sarah Saada; Francesca Sandrelli; Sebastian Sanz de Santamaria; Xanthippi Saragias; Sarajevo Drum Orchestra; Giuseppe Scata; Rossella Schillaci; Peppino Sciortino; Sašo Sedlaček; Cátia Serrão; Silvia Sgualdini; Erzen Shkokolli; Venelin Shurelov; Si pero y si no?; Thomas Soldi; Dragomir Spassov; Mateia Stanculescu; Darko Stanić; Stefanos Stavrides; Hannes Steiner; Timur Stroi; Miha Štrukelji; Studio Agit Prop; Su Trattagasu; Gianluca Sudano; Selma Tafro; Léfteris Tapas; Teatru Marta Kwitt; Laurent Terras; Fabio Testa; Italo Testa; The Celinka Group; Theatre de la Peste; Theatre Group – Tirana Academy of Art; Time Crew; Marco Tinari; Vladimir Todorović; Marko Tomaš; Damjan Tomažin; Fabiana Toni; Yorgos Trillidis; Ilario Tudino; Muhidin Tvico; Eleni Tzirkalli; Emil Ugolini; Druba Vaeaceslav; Alfonso Valencia Perez; Thomas Vallianatos; Mary Vassiliadou; Lucia Veronesi; Villipendio Elettrogeno; Francesco Vitaggio; Vassilis Vssilopoulos; Kalina Vutova; Walid; Walk Side Theatre; Karsten Xuereb; Haris Zevlaris; Marie Zigouri; Peter Zilahy; Zimmerfrei; Ivana Žužul.