
BJCEM participation to WEYA, World Event Young Artists

September 7th-16th 2012 / Nottingham, UK

Disorder is the concept chosen for the participation of BJCEM to WEYA, World Event Young Artists, a global event that showcased a selection of international creative talent in different disciplines with the aim to become a chance for international cultural exchange on a global scale.

The theme has been outlined by two curators, Mr. Marco Trulli and Mr. Claudio Zecchi, who collaborated with our partner ARCI Nazionale and worked on the realization of the festival Cantieri d’Arte, which occurs annually in Viterbo.

Disorder is meant in its positive meaning, as the potential of transformation and the creation of transition; as a reference to a crisis or a friction state that leads to a moment of changing and shifting from a phase to another. Disorder is a limbo where is possible to build fluid transnational and trans-disciplinary platforms and re-think a new socio cultural environment trough the interaction of different disciplines that opens up new scenarios based on the fusion and hybridization of languages.

The event involved more than 100 artists selected by 50 of our members and partners and coming from 30 different Countries. To be outlined the important presence of artist coming from North-Africa and Middle-East, such as Egypt, Morocco, Lebanon, Palestine, Jordan and Israel and our new collaboration with partners from Algeria, Tunisia, Mauritania, Syria and New York.

To know more about Disorder, visit -> dis0rd3r.wordpress.com
To see a photo gallery of Disorder, visit -> www.flickr.com/photos/bjcem/albums/72157634443876028/with/9189101623/

Disorder_mohamed arejdal performance

ph. by Roberto Sartor